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Candice Johnson Psychotherapy & Supervision in West London

Home. Empowerment


Sometimes in life, even tidying a pile of papers can feel overwhelming. Getting through your day can be as much as you can hope for.

If this sounds familiar you might be:

* Finding it difficult to make decisions
* Struggling with your relationships
* Repeating patterns in which you feel stuck

At times like these, therapy can be a life line to enable you to do more than just function but to actually reach a point where you are living your life to the full, with energy.

Home. Light Bulb

How can therapy or counselling help?

Therapy provides the confidential space, time, support and challenge to explore how you are in the world, what it is that matters to you and how you can have enriching relationships.

Simply put, therapy can help you stop missing out on the present you’re in.

Past experiences live within us all. How they affect us in our everyday here and now is the space in which we will work together and I believe that at the heart of this is the relationship that will be built between you and I, as this is where the healing takes place.

As a trained professional who can actively listen, is non-judgemental and able to provide support, challenge and understanding, my aim is to help you:

* Be all of you
* Live more fully in the present moment
* Authentically engage in your relationships
* Have greater understanding and acceptance of yourself

Potential benefits

When I was in training, one of my tutors used to say that ‘therapy can be a hot and sweaty business’. It can be challenging, distressing, fun, energising and exhausting all at the same time.

There are several potential benefits from being in therapy. Just some of these are:

* Richer self-awareness
* Empowerment to make decisions from an increased range of choices
* A safe environment in which you can explore your challenges and issues
* Release from the familiar, repeated and blocked patterns in your life
* Feeling more fully present both in your relationships and environment
* Increased self-support and ability to ask for external support, enabling you to tackle future challenges with greater effect
* The opportunity to live life optimally, working as one with your mind, body, spirit and full range of emotions, aware of choices open to you as to how to respond to challenges which come along in life.

Home. Questions

What kind of therapy?

There are many different modalities of therapy (in fact, there are more than 1000) and a lot of people are often unaware of the differences between them and how they may affect a therapist’s way of working. Broadly speaking psychotherapies can be based on a medical model or a humanistic one.

Within the humanistic model, which is the one in which I work, it is the client/therapist relationship that is at the heart of the work. The aim of a humanistic therapist is to create a safe, open, non-judgemental space in which the client feels able to explore their own natural process resulting in a deeper understanding of themselves. I am there to help facilitate this process and can only do so through the strong therapeutic relationship that we will build together.

Home. One to One

My approach

I am a Gestalt psychotherapist which means I offer a relational therapy. This holistic form of therapy focuses on you as a total person. As a completely unique individual you are regarded as a totality of mind, body, emotions and spirit.

As a Gestaltist I believe that everyone has the capability within them to face their difficulties, however at times any one of us can become stuck in fixed patterns and need some assistance to see the situation more clearly, explore our part in it and experiment with finding new and more creative ways of being.

We will work together in the here and now situation, rather than the there and then or what 'should' have been, and explore how these patterns are still active and affecting life in the present. Our priority in this therapeutic relationship is to heighten your self-awareness enabling you to have a wider range of choices.

Home. Open Book

Taking the next step

Taking this step towards empowerment of your 'whole person' could be the most valuable investment you make in your time, in yourself and in your life.

If you would like to speak to me in person you can call me on 07734 057211 and leave me a message to which I shall respond promptly. Alternatively, you could click here to email me.

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