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Candice Johnson Psychotherapy & Supervision in West London

Individual therapy #01

Individual Therapy

Life can be challenging and all of us face difficult issues in our lives at one time or another. These occur in relationships, with family, at work and with friends. You may feel stuck, repeating patterns in your life which prevent you from growing, moving forward and feeling fulfilled.

Working in a safe, confidential and non-judgemental environment we can explore how you meet the world, relate to others and habitually deal with life. One of the aims of therapy is to heighten your self-awareness which helps you build deeper insights into a wider range of choices open to you, so improving your quality of living.

I offer private face-to-face sessions which last for 50 minutes and are usually held on a weekly basis. We can contract to work on either a short term or open-ended basis, by mutual agreement.

Individual therapy #02

What benefits can be expected from psychotherapy?

  • Richer self-awareness
  • Empowerment to make decisions from an increased range of choices
  • A safe environment in which you can explore your challenges and issues
  • Release from the familiar, repeated and blocked patterns in your life

Individual therapy #03

Man wishes to be confirmed in his being by man, and wishes to have a presence in the being of the other ... Secretly and bashfully he watches for a yes which allows him to be and which can come to him only from one human person to another.
- Martin Buber

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