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Candice Johnson Psychotherapy & Supervision in West London

Supervision. Supervision


I offer supervision to qualified therapists and counsellors. I work with individuals and groups at my practice in Acton, West London, usually on a fortnightly or monthly basis.

The purpose of supervision is to support you in your client work, ensuring you are working ethically whilst holding your clients' best interests in mind. As your supervisor I shall provide support, challenge and insight working within a collaborative and honest environment. This non-judgemental atmosphere provides the space for you to express any doubts and concerns so that through exploration you gain clarity on how to take your work forward.

Supervision. Speech

Supervision is a joint endeavour in which a practitioner with the help of a supervisor, attends to their clients, themselves as part of their client practitioner relationships and the wider systemic context, and by so doing improves the quality of their work, transforms their client relationships, continuously develops themselves, their practice and the wider profession
- Hawkins & Shohet

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